It's been three months since I stopped zidovudine but my anemia hasn't been resolved. I had another CBC last friday and my hemoglobin went down again to 63. Now I need another blood transfusion.
Why does my anemia persist despite having stopped zidovudine? Perhaps it's not zidovudine that caused my anemia? Could it have been co-trimoxazole? Or isoniazid? Or a combination of those meds?
It's frustrating me that the medicines that are supposed to keep me healthy are keeping sick. I'm treated for HIV and I get anemia in return. If I stop my prophylactic meds, I risk getting TB or pneumonia. Take one away and get something else. This is crap.
My only hope right now is to wait for my next CD4 test and hope that my CD4 count shoots up to a level where my body can defend itself against infections without prophylaxis. Until then, I need to continue with co-tri and INH.
Konting tiis pa.